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Photo of Gladys Margarita Hernández Epieyuu.

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Wayuu from the town, was born on July 2 in Maracaibo, passing half a century, with two names of wildflowers, perhaps to ease the burden and make life more subtle, between love, pain, struggle and resistance by reaffirmation of traditional values, territory, world view, multiculturalism, clothing, language, valores.Artìsta holistic in nature as all the Indians, played outdoors, in contact with the water of the rivers in...

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Wayuu from the town, was born on July 2 in Maracaibo, passing half a century, with two names of wildflowers, perhaps to ease the burden and make life more subtle, between love, pain, struggle and resistance by reaffirmation of traditional values, territory, world view, multiculturalism, clothing, language, valores.Artìsta holistic in nature as all the Indians, played outdoors, in contact with the water of the rivers in Machiques and Perijá, visit the Yukpa communities, gather flowers, my brothers, cousins, watched, we touch and also ate the leaves, seeds and any fruticosa silvestre.M and contact lines, the colors of the different landscapes of nature, the textures of leaves , plants, enjoy the insects and animals housekeepers, our elders taught us respect for the mother naturaleza.Desde four years, I began to perceive and understand the world of discrimination, contempt, humiliation, exclusion, there, where indigenous people live apart, in our natural world with our language and ancestral customs, into our homes and communities, and the outside world, that of non-indigenous, the private and public school, the teacher Creole oppressive society represented in a village, in a language, gestures that is daily becoming apparent, but is marking, leaving tracks, signals, that is transforming the conduct of children and youth on the defensive for his family, his people his people, his cultura.Abuelas, mothers, uncles, taught us value of work, education as part of our training, reading, researching, seeking knowledge in books, later learned that it was more information to assess what is ours, because the wisdom in our culture, it continues from generation to generation by oral tradition, strength, and dignity and then, positioning of the territorial, emotional, elements, characteristics that indicate, indicate or identify as culture and what we understand as proxemics, semiotics and semiologìa.Todas these teachings keep us alert, awake, watch what they represent our ancestral treasure, worldview, language, dance, narration, song, art, crafts, body art, gestures, clothing, fabrics, online, color.Lo which commits us for life, to be always true, regardless of poverty or the material wealth, to be always in harmony with everyone, children, siblings, parientes.Desde very small, I was inspired by the fabrics of my mother, colored threads, the painter telas.Observaba a guy with whom to Sometimes I played and saw his canvas work, listening to stories and songs, the representation and natural gestures to interpretar.Comencè to dance, paint, sing, write to solas.Luego started making puppets, theater group d young university came to my neighborhood or community, study Educ People with faith and joy, I teach children, children's author. I started drawing for a children's magazine, later I dance with Victor Fuenmayor Mcbo.Comencè painting at age 23, was pregnant with my second child, studied letters at the cigar in Esc.Artes UCV.Arte Plastic Cristobal Rojas Prof.Eduardo Caracas.Teatro with Gil, Rodolfo Santana, Nestor Leon Caballero.Enrique Mcbo.Danzas with Xiomara Zuleta, Ines Muñoz, TNT proposals Rajatabla.Realizè body art, artistic expression, dance, poetry, art photography, nude, naked venture streets, museums, galleries, concept art, stone sculptures experimental.Estudiè prof.artista with plastic, Garcia Roseliano Bqto.Participè theatrical event, national theater festival in Caracas, Cervantino in Mexico, Mcbo.Mambrù Dramatic Society. Participation in Evita, as an actress, dancer Paloma San Basilio show on the stage with Roland Carreño.Asist.de Teresa Streuli, dance primitive funmayor victor in The Dream of Pongo, national tour, La m `face in the mirror the Rajatabla, gestures and rituals, theater Juares Bqto.Direct.Grupo Pictures, short film, advertising, documentaries, live tv.Vzlana of Educ tv.Televisoras Zulia.Lara.Caracas.ucv.Entrevistas.Narraciòn Festival d Orality in Caracas.Publicaciòn of poems magazines, national newspapers and internacionales.Colectivas of paintings, sculptures, national, regional internacional.Esritora, nacional.Actualmente, author Esc.Intercultural indigenous art project maguela.Tesista Cultural Development of the Simón Rodríguez-Mission Cultura.Tesista ucv.Escuela of Urban Letras.Exviceministra the Ministry of Popular Power for the People-2008.Luchadora Indìgenas.2007 social, committed to the process Vzla socialist, a champion of indigenous rights, multiculturalism, the demarcation of territories, redemption value and dignity of indìgena.Escritora women and the indigenous poetry Uranus and Saturn mujer.Madre Mangieri, Victoria.Hija grandmother Elvira, craft, granddaughter of Aurora, the medicine man's grand-niece and great-granddaughter Margaret Josefita Epieyuu Wuleetar.

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